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 What is eat2go... 

how eat2go works is next


Welcome to the eat2go merchant area. If you are a QSR, a restaurant owner or a food-service operator, then this area was designed for you.

eat2go is a sales generation and accessibility engine that brings business to your business from the Internet facilitating your customer placing a pre-authorized order directly into your kitchen. No mistakes, no busy signals, no labor costs allocated to taking orders, no updating of menus, no waiting in-line; instead, your customer just gets on-line. eat2go Food-Port is an extension of your POS into the cyberworld representing as many terminals as there are clients. And this is also the difference between shopping cart applications and eat2go Food-Port, which unlike a shopping cart, is a portal that you control, any time you want to. 

The portal comes pre-loaded with your data, but you change the prices. You add items. You define specials. You open and close the portal for business. And you get the orders. It's all under your control. Quick, efficient with no knowledge required other than to type, point and click. If you have a POS, or even if you don't, eat2go is a snap!

Have you ever heard a saying: "All roads lead to Rome?" Well, eat2go is yet another avenue to your doorsteps! Do you recall what happened to your business once you started accepting credit cards? Even if you always have, accepting various methods of payment is yet another option you're providing to your customer, yet another avenue. The more roads lead to your doorstep, the better.

The eat2go portal is a sale generation, fulfillment and line-busting tool. As opposed to a Point-Of-Sale system which is a defensive necessity for your business, the eat2go portal is an offensive weapon counterpart in the arsenal of the food-service establishment. 

Consider this: How much do you spend mailing and updating your menus and mail-out materials? How many phone lines do you have and what happens when your lines are busy? How much does it cost to take an order?

With eat2go, for dollars a day, you could start bringing business to your doorsteps and increment that bottom line. eat2go helps you sell your product. If you already have an ISP connection to the Internet, or a plain and simple fax machine, then you already have the infrastructure needed by eat2go.

The eat2go portal is not a POS which is also an essential technology tool for the way business gets done in the food-service industry. If you have a POS, understanding and implementing eat2go is a snap! A POS product facilitates management of the establishment, curtails waste, pilferage, expenses such as labor costs and food costs; a POS product, touch-screen or not, is a tool that provides essential defenses for the business. eat2go is a line-busting and business generation tool, and is the offensive technology counterpart  for your business. 

For a To-The-Point, high-bandwidth presentation, click here.

    eat2go area of coverage is the continental United States, Alaska, Puerto Rico and Hawaii.

    FOOD-Port is certified with America Online® 8.xx,

Internet Explorer© 6.xx or above,

and Netscape® Navigator© 7.xx or above. 

This site last modified on June 1st, 2003


Accept checks on-line! 
Coming Soon.


A cart is a cart, is a cart, right? 

Yes! That's absolutely correct! All carts are pretty similar. Some may look better than others, some may be prettier and hence slower or they may be a little more or less sophisticated, but they are what they are. That's where eat2go Food-Port is different, because Food-Port is a portal. Big difference!

In a cart environment, a web designer works in specialized software like Microsoft® Front-Page© or Macromedia® Dream Weaver©. They work in code and layout the site in HTML and JavaScript or ASP. They may even attach links to pictures pointing to a "basket". The cart may even have credit card processing capabilities which sends the amount in the "basket" for approval. 

Every time a change is required on the site, the change depends upon the same process of changing the code in specialized editors, and sending the changes to the web. 

In eat2go Food-Port, you, the merchant, are in total control of your environment. You can add/delete items, modifiers, change delivery charges, change prices, post specials without any dependency on anyone else, without the need for techo-babble and code. You do this in real-time. eat2go Food-Port helps the merchant sell their product, not rely on an Internet programmers to perform this task at their pace or alternatively force you to become one. Click here for a comparison chart.

And all of this is accomplished at what a cart would charge, or much less, considering ROI factors. As far as our research indicates, eat2go FOOD-Port is still the only true portal alternative for on-line food ordering available on the web. For more information about Internet portals versus carts, click here.  

  Here is how eat2go works...

factors to consider is next

  • You sign-up for eat2go. Implementation cycle of eat2go food-PORT is (1) one day, depending upon if you wish to image your product lines. This does not include any administrative issues with respect to banking or merchant account information. A merchant may always digitize their inventory at their leisure, and update the web-portal incrementally. A "turn-key" solution is provided: you fax us your menu, and we send you the administration software pre-loaded with your data ready to eat2go.
  • If you prefer doing things yourself, using the Internet, download the food-port application which you install on your computer.
  • You enter the description and prices of the inventory that you wish to sell via the web and define any modifiers that may be applicable.
  • You may take digital photos of your food items, and easily attach them to your product lines within the food-port application program.
  • You provide eat2go with your merchant information with respect to the credit card information and render payment to eat2go.
  • You attach a link from you web-site or web-page, if you have one, to a location provided to you on the eat2go network. If you do not have a web-site or web-page, an address will be provided to you or a web-site may be generated for you by one of eat2go affiliates.
  • Any changes you make to your product lines will automatically be reflected within the portal which resides on the World Wide Web. 
  • Clients place pre-authorized takeout and delivery orders on the World Wide Web and the funds get deposited into your merchant account as if the sale took place on your premises.
  • The Internet orders start arriving in your kitchen by either Internet connectivity or via fax.

  • Don't have a merchant account? Concerned about rates and fees, contact for an application.

  • Already have a merchant account? Transaction funds from eat2go commerce, in most instances, will be deposited right into your existing account, using your present fee schedule. 

For questions, contact us:

800-b2b-Tech x 1305
800-222-8324 x 1305
Technical support is provided to merchants 24 x 7 x 365 from East Coast and West Coast response hubs.   To be properly routed: 

Dial eat2go Merchant Services, 
for emergency response: 
305-661-6818 # 6 
800-b2b-Tech #1 then select extension #1306 


Get your

  Factors to consider and 
    ROI (Return On Investment) elements...

sign up

  • How much do you spend mailing and updating your menus and mail-out materials. This is an essential factor for any successful food-service establishment.
  • How many phone lines do you have and what happens when your lines are busy, especially during peak hours such as the lunch rush. How much business is lost when the client gets a repeated busy signal and immediately decides to call someone else.
  • How long does it take your personnel to take an order and how much does it cost you. Is it under $2.00 per order? Are your people spending time servicing clientele, or are they performing multiple roles of taking orders and trying to serve and making mistakes.
  • How much did your web-site that you already have cost you. Besides Internet presence and exposure, what does it do for you. Depending on design, how did you justify spending $2,000, $1,000 or $500 for your web-site. To what degree does it help your bottom line and can you even measure the ROI. 
  • What ideally would you want your website to do for you?
  • eat2go gathers and provides you with customer information that register for eat2go service. Know who your customer is. Knowledge is power.
  • Get detailed studies of your clients, their purchases and habits.
  • Use your existing clients as a base and provide promotional incentives to order via your web-site and a delivery vehicle to others within the same geographical area. You can also utilize zip code targeted e-flyers to promote you web-site and the ordering system.
  • Best of all, you, control the portal and the contents. Changes are a snap! Post daily specials, open/close for business. No coding, no knowledge of Internet technology. No need for programmers and associated expenses: cut out the middle man, cut out the service aspect associated with a cart, while having a truly dynamic and ever-changing site. And all of this is done in real-time, when you want it, when you need it, right away!

To see a merchant, the web-portal of which is in the process of being currently mounted, visit our test server:

Need more information? 

Click here to review the terms of use of the eat2go web-sites

eat2go,,, are trademerks of Teller. The food-port product, web server applications are all copyrighted materials and unpublished proprietary works. Copyright © 1999-2002 by Teller. All rights reserved. Various other logos are trademarks of their respective holders.

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